Sunday, May 15, 2022

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Leading the Lost Boys - The Untold Story by Paulino Maiir Chol



The Untold Journey


Date Published: June 22, 2021

Publisher: Mamiir Chol Foundation

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As a member of the Lost Boys of South Sudan, author Paulino Mamiir Chol offers the gripping account of his transformation from a kidnapping survivor to a leader— Mr. Chol led over 700 boys across three African countries.

Paulino Mamiir Chol was abducted from his family, in the Twic County of Warrap state. Over the course of seventeen harrowing years, he survived Ethiopian and Kenyan refugee camps, and eventually made it to Denver, Colorado, in the United States of America, where he now pursues a PhD.

In detailing the journeys of the Lost Boys, as well as the murderous actions of the Murahalin Militia before and after the Second Sudanese Civil War, Mr. Chol paints a vivid picture of one of modern history’s most horrific human rights abuses. In so doing, he also offers hope in the power of the human spirit to overcome trauma and tragedy—especially when we focus on serving others.

Leading The Lost Boys: The Untold Journey is part of Paulino Mamiir Chol’s effort to fight the inhuman darkness we are all capable of, and to empower and inspire the hearts of those suffering.


All proceeds will go to the Mamiir Chol Foundation (MACH), which will provide funds to villagers in Twic County for clean drinking wells, clinics, schools, and community centers. Proceeds will also support organizations working for human rights, homeless children, widowed mothers, disabled people, and to protect women and girls from sexual abuse, exploitation and gender-based violence.



It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, and it was the winter of despair.

—A Tale of Two Cities


Charles Dickens could have easily written these words when Arab militias attacked our village, kidnapped women and children, and killed men; the left-behind children fled to refugee camps; the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)/ Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) officers and teachers abused the Lost Boys; the South Sudanese and Kenyan officials practiced corruption; and the Lost Boys finally arrived in the Western nations. It was the worst of times when the Arab militias dismembered and killed the caught men in front of the children. It was the worst of times when old and disabled people were burned in the huts because they were unable to run. It was the worst of times when our women were forcibly circumcised. It was the worst of times when our women were raped in open places. It was the season of darkness when children walked for over three thousand miles on bare feet to safety. It was the worst of times when the Sudanese army killed children. It was the worst of times when curable ailments (malaria, typhoid, cholera, and diarrhea) killed ten boys every day in the Pinyido refugee camp in Ethiopia. It was the worst of times when lions and crocodiles killed many Lost Boys along the way. It was the worst of times when SPLM/SPLA officers and teachers ate our food while we were starving to death in Pochalla County, South Sudan. It the worst of times when the SPLM/SPLA officers and teachers physically and psychologically abused the children. It was the worst of times when three thousand Lost Boys remained in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya because our leaders had sold the names of Lost Boys so that other boys could relocate to America instead of the Lost Boys. But it was the best of times when some Lost Boys were able to come to the United States and start their new lives. In addition, it has been the best of times, and a glimmer of hope, when some of the Lost Boys have received their higher education in the Western world.

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  1. Leading the Lost Boys sounds like an intriguing and fascinating memoir, thanks for sharing it with me and have a sunshiny day!

  2. Super ground breaking book, nice to bring this to light!
