Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Book Tour ~ Morbid Thoughts and the Domino Effect - A Memoir by Perry Muse




Date Published: July 2022

Publisher: Gatekeeper Press

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My mother called me a thrill seeker as a kid. That continued to be a fair assessment throughout my life, but with unforeseen consequences. For 57 years I managed to cheat death as I endured accidents such as a head-on car collision that catapulted me through two windshields or hitting a telephone pole at 110 MPH on a motorcycle, to name just a couple. But none of these true-life experiences compared to what came after my cancer diagnosis. In this book I use words to paint you alongside as I detail all my incredible life challenges and experiences. Ride along the emotional roller coaster that includes 17 surgeries and the domino effect of events that resulted. After the cancer diagnosis, an internal fight also ensued. It was the mental battle against the shadowy figures on my shoulders who constantly whispered morbid thoughts.



 Insult To Injury PT II


The road had been recently paved with asphalt, so the shoulder was

pretty high with a steep, 4-foot red dirt bank leading to tall, unkempt grass.

My speed pushed me beyond the four-foot bank and the grass line. It was

eerie. The section of the road where I crashed had been viciously cleared of

all life for 30 yards from the road to a tree line where towering oaks and

maples competed with sparse pines. Perhaps someone foretold of a crash

on this part of the road? There was also a huge, gaping sinkhole halfway

between the shoulder of the road and the wood line. As I wickedly

fishtailed, I vividly remember feeling grateful my ride didn’t end in that

gaping sinkhole.

I thought, “Death may be better than any other outcome if the

crash happens here.”

About the Author

Perry Muse is a U.S. Army veteran, businessperson for over 30 years, entrepreneur, artist, husband, Father, and author. He has been listed in the Who’s Who of Music and the Who’s Who of Business Leaders. Perry is also a lifelong survivor of death-defying accidents. In 2017 he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This life changing event required him to reach deep inside and find courage, faith, and to become an expert intellect about his conditions and treatments. Perry’s writing is entertaining, funny, extremely educational, and most importantly, all unbelievably true. Today he lives in Johnson City, Tennessee with his wife and 3 dogs.


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