Saturday, December 5, 2020

Fantasy & Sci-Fi For Christmas ~ Burn - The Firebrand Chronicles by J. M. Hackman


On tour with Prism Book Tours

(The Firebrand Chronicles #3)
By J.M. Hackman
YA Fantasy, Christian
Paperback & ebook, 331 Pages
May 26, 2020 by Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing, LLC

Life: 1. Brenna James: 0.

An AWOL talent, an enemy-occupied hometown, and a Life Shade boyfriend-Brenna James just wants something to go right. Although her family has been given sanctuary in Syeira, Brenna will never be safe as long as Rune is hunting down and killing Firebrands.

Can someone please wake her up already?

When a prophecy sends Brenna and Baldwin on a confusing quest, they aren't sure where to begin. They must find the Caelestis Staff, a powerful object that both cuts and mends space itself. Rune wants it too, and he'll use any lethal tactics necessary to obtain it.

Yeah, nightmare material right there.

A traveling oasis, plenty of man-eating mermaids, and one Skeleton King later, Brenna seriously doubts she has the edge she needs to confront Rune. When Brenna's faced with the biggest test of her life, will she burn like the Firebrand she is? Or will she burn out?

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Disappointment wrapped its fingers around my throat. I struggled to take one breath, then another. Baldwin was the same every day. Seeing the flash of clarity disappear in his eyes was crushing. Would he ever get truly better? And did I stay with him out of love or guilt? Probably both. If Baldwin didn’t recognize me, what did that do to our relationship? I couldn’t imagine what his parents were going through.

A woman’s voice slipped through my dark mood. “It’s been a long time, but it’s good to be back for a visit.”

My ears pricked. I knew that voice. What was Abira Edan doing here? Wasn’t she supposed to be waiting for me to show up in Kelda Hills? I pressed into my seat in an attempt to hide. But in these white upholstered chairs, I was as conspicuous as a pimple on a nose. I wasn’t ready to see her, to explain why I’d stayed here instead of going to Kelda Hills like I’d promised.

“Thank you for the escort.” She followed the guard to the door, her steps slowing as she caught sight of me. “Brenna? How convenient. You’re just the person I wanted to see. How are you?”

I’m living in a shack. My boyfriend is a Life Shade. I lost my gift four weeks ago. “I’m fine.”

Excerpted from Burn by J.M. Hackman. Copyright © J.M. Hackman. Published by Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing, LLC.

The Firebrand Chronicles

(Linked to an Amazon affiliate link.)

About the Author

Award winning author J. M. Hackman loves thunderstorms, bookstores, and happy endings. She’s never met a reading nook she didn’t like and prefers soul talk to small talk. When she’s not writing or reading, she spends quality time with her greatest fans—her family. She’s written Spark, Flare, and Burn (YA fantasy series the Firebrand Chronicles) and has had her stories published in the anthologies Realmscapes, Mythical Doorways, Tales of Ever After, and Encircled. She spends her days writing stories, consuming massive quantities of dark chocolate, and looking for portals to other worlds. She loves connecting with her readers! You can find her at,,, or at

Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they're scheduled.)

November 29th: Launch
November 30th: R.J. Anderson – Swift
December 1st: Ralene Burke – Armor of Aletheia
December 2nd: Michelle Diener – Breakaway
December 3rd: Sandra Fernandez Rhoads – Mortal Sight
December 4th: J.M. Hackman – Burn
December 5th: Sharon Hinck – Forsaken Island
December 6th: Ronie Kendig – Dawn of Vengeance
December 7th: Carla Laureano – Oath of the Brotherhood
December 8th: Belle Malory – Deviant Descendants
December 9th: Sara Schaller – The Genesis of Seven
December 10th: Jennifer Silverwood – Stay
December 11th: Anne Wheeler – Treason’s Crown
December 12th: Melissa Wright – Between Ink and Shadows
December 13th: Morgan Wylie –  Silent Orchids
December 14th: Kristen Young – Apprentice
December 15th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $75 (USD) Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally
Ends December 19, 2020

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