Saturday, December 5, 2020

Fantasy & Sci-Fi For Christmas ~ Forsaken Island - The Dancing Realms by Sharon Hinck


On tour with Prism Book Tours

Forsaken Island
(The Dancing Realms #2)
By Sharon Hinck
Christian Fantasy
Hardcover & ebook, 272 Pages
September 15, 2020 by Enclave Publishing

On an uncharted world, happiness is effortless and constant … but can true joy exist without sacrifice?

The people of Meriel have long believed their island world floats alone in the vast ocean universe, so they are astonished when another island drifts into view. With resources becoming scarce, Carya and Brantley quickly volunteer to search the new land for supplies.

After navigating a barrier of menacing trees, the pair encounter a culture of perpetually happy people who readily share their talents and their possessions. But all is not what it seems. At the core of the island is a horror that threatens everyone, including Brantley and Carya.

Freeing the villagers of the bondage they’ve chosen may cost Carya and Brantley more than they could have imagined. Even if the two succeed, they’ll have to find a way to return to Meriel quickly … or be cut off from their home forever.

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Chapter One

Across a sweep of waves, the new world called to me. The tangleroot shore of Meriel’s rim rocked beneath my bare feet, daring me to leave the island’s safety and venture to the smudge on the horizon. Sea breezes tickled my skin, stirring my excitement and making my muscles twitch.

Beside me, Brantley rolled a cloak and stuffed it into his pack. “We should have left at first light.” Wind brushed fair curls across his eyes, and he tossed his head like an impatient pony shaking his mane. A mottled brown tunic stretched across his broad shoulders, and a longknife rested at his hip.

I folded a sheet of parchment and tucked it into the tiny pouch hanging around my neck. “Saltar Kemp kept adding to the list of supplies she wants us to search for. She’s hoping we can find seeds to bring back, so the villages can develop new orchards.”

The possibility of such bounty still felt surreal. The notion of an uncharted land like a child’s fanciful dream. To think, for centuries we had believed our island floated alone on an endless ocean, and now a mere speck amid the vast expanse of blue had proven our wisest elders wrong.

We were not alone.

And the thought made me shiver.

Excerpted from Forsaken Island by Sharon Hinck. Copyright © Sharon Hinck. Published by Enclave Publishing.

Other Books in the Series

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About the Author

Award-winning author Sharon Hinck writes “stories for the hero in all of us,” about ordinary women on extraordinary faith journeys. Known for their authenticity, emotional range, and spiritual depth, her novels include the ground-breaking Sword of Lyric fantasy series and her imaginative new Dancing Realms series, that begins with Hidden Current and continues with Forsaken Island. She has been honored with a Christy finalist medal, and three Carol awards for her novels. When she’s not wrestling words, she enjoys speaking to conferences and retreats, and is an adjunct professor for Creative Writing M.F.A. students at Concordia University. She drew on her background as a dancer, ballet teacher, and choreographer for her new Dancing Realms series.

Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they're scheduled.)

November 29th: Launch
November 30th: R.J. Anderson – Swift
December 1st: Ralene Burke – Armor of Aletheia
December 2nd: Michelle Diener – Breakaway
December 3rd: Sandra Fernandez Rhoads – Mortal Sight
December 4th: J.M. Hackman – Burn
December 5th: Sharon Hinck – Forsaken Island
December 6th: Ronie Kendig – Dawn of Vengeance
December 7th: Carla Laureano – Oath of the Brotherhood
December 8th: Belle Malory – Deviant Descendants
December 9th: Sara Schaller – The Genesis of Seven
December 10th: Jennifer Silverwood – Stay
December 11th: Anne Wheeler – Treason’s Crown
December 12th: Melissa Wright – Between Ink and Shadows
December 13th: Morgan Wylie –  Silent Orchids
December 14th: Kristen Young – Apprentice
December 15th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $75 (USD) Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally
Ends December 19, 2020

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