Title: Guardians
of the Sea
Author: Eva
Genre: YA Urban
Date: May 14th, 2022
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
What doesn't
kill you makes you stronger.
After enduring
Delphine's dangerous training regimen, the young gods and demigods embark on a
mission to take down the corrupt shipping company once and for all, to liberate
victimized communities up and down the Mediterranean and nearby seas. But
unforeseen conflicts cause the young gods and demigods to question the nature
of their mission, their purpose, and their relationships with one another.
In the face of
impossible choices, how important are love, loyalty, and friendship? Moreover,
how far should one go to defend those who can't defend themselves? Should one
sacrifice everything?
Read the
surprising conclusion of The Vampires and Gods Series. For lovers of Greek
mythology, paranormal romance, and action adventure stories.
Here's what
readers are saying about this series:
and Greek Mythology combined in one fabulous adventure!"--Brie Strauss,
Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
absolutely cannot wait for more Adventures. I tried not to read so fast but
honestly I couldn't be patient. This book blew me away and I honestly just need
more."--Southernmermaid85, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
read!! Anything this author writes is amazing to read. It's what got me into
loving anything about the greek gods! And her vampire series is so interesting
as well! This book combines both and draws you in!!"--Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
I've come to love and expect from Eva's book, was to be found in this latest
episode, constant drama, intrigue and adventure, not forgetting the romance.
Can't wait for more!"--Traceyann, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
"I really
liked the new characters that were introduced in this book. The story was
interesting and had a lot of twists and turns."--Kathy E, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
If you like
enemies-to-lovers romance and heart-breaking love triangles combined with
fast-paced, high-stakes action, then this series is for you.
Eva Pohler is a USA Today bestselling author of over thirty novels in multiple genres, including mysteries, thrillers, and young adult paranormal romance based on Greek mythology. Her books have been described as "addictive" and "sure to thrill"--Kirkus Reviews.
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Chapter One: Mount
Gertie stood in the foyer of the great hall on Mount
Olympus, waiting for Hector to finish his tour with Hephaestus. Hector had
invited her to join him to see the magical forge, but she’d wanted him to have
this chance to be alone with his father. She hadn’t thought about her own
comfort—or lack of it as she stood there with the Olympians on their thrones
only a few yards away. Although she’d earned their respect in the battle with
the old man of the sea and his entourage of monsters and was about to become a
goddess herself, she didn’t dare presume that she was free to speak with them.
She pushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and
glanced nervously at the gods before averting her eyes to her boots. Her
stomach hurt, and her heart wouldn’t slow down no matter how deeply she
breathed. An eternity seemed to pass when Hector finally emerged with his
Just seeing Hector’s face again made her less nervous.
Although people often mistook them for brother and sister because they both had
blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin, fortunately for them, they weren’t, even
though they were both descended from gods.
“Are you ready for the council meeting?” Hephaestus asked
Gertie took a deep breath. “I think so.”
“Of course, she is,” Hector said. “She hasn’t stopped
talking about it for days. Have you, Gertie?”
“Are you sure you’re ready?” Hephaestus asked again.
“Yes,” she said, this time without hesitation. “I’m just a little
nervous about how it will feel and how I’ll adapt. There isn’t much written
about apotheosis. I feel unprepared.”
Hephaestus laughed. “Preparation has its virtues, but
surprises make life exciting.”
“I like that.” Hector beamed up at his dad.
Gertie would rather be prepared.
“Good luck,” Hephaestus said as he turned to walk away.
“Thanks again for showing me around, Father,” Hector said.
“I hope I’ll have the chance to see you again soon.”
The god gave Hector a
polite, if not distant, nod before taking a few strides to his throne, next to
Apollo and across the white marble floor from Aphrodite.
“How did it go?” Gertie whispered to Hector, who hadn’t
stopped smiling since he’d emerged from the forge.
“I’ve never felt happier,” he said, his blue eyes bright.
“My father has finally acknowledged me publicly and has given me more than a
moment of his time. It’s a dream come true.”
“Oh, Hector.” Gertie squeezed his hand. “I’m really happy
for you.”
“Thanks. Being here has made it easy for me to make a
Gertie tilted her head to one side. “What decision?”
“I want to be a god, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes
to prove I’m worthy.”
Gertie’s mouth dropped open, and she felt like jumping up
and down with joy. “What?”
“I know . . . I was against it before. I wanted a normal
life, so I could give my kids a better childhood than the one I had. Now I know
things don’t have to be the way they were with my mom—alienated from my father
and from the other gods.” He circled his arm around Gertie’s waist. “We can be
a part of this life here on Mount Olympus. We can be gods together.”
Gertie thew her arms around him. “Really?”
“Really.” He reached down and kissed her.
As much as Gertie enjoyed the kiss, she soon came to her
senses and noticed that some of the Olympians were watching her. “I’ll make my
acceptance conditional. If they want me to become the goddess of vampires,
they’ll have to make you a god, too.”
Hector furrowed his brows. “What if they refuse?”
“They won’t, especially if your father speaks up for you.”
He kissed her once more, and, together, they made their way
to his father’s side, to await the others.
Hermie scratched his head and gave Delphine a once-over on
the front deck of the Marcella II beneath the predawn stars. Del had just
returned from a night of shopping in Paris with his sister Hestie and best
friend Jinsoo, along with most of the vampires. Hermie had just returned to the
ship, too, after helping with a blackout at a power plant in Dubai. Before
that, he’d helped a group of college students in Kentucky retrieve their lost
project from a computer that had crashed. As the god of technology, he made IT
runs rather frequently and enjoyed them much more than being out on the sea.
But he endured the sea life because he wanted to be close to Del.
Del was wearing a short dress and boots—looking
simultaneously sweet and bad-ass. Her long, dark, curly hair fell past her
shoulders, blowing in the gentle wind. Her dark eyes and dark skin shone in the
waning moonlight.
Hermie was pleased when she greeted him with a kiss as she
combed her fingers through his short black hair.
“Welcome back,” he said. “You look great.”
“Thanks. I bought some new threads for you, too.” She handed
him one of her bags.
Hermie tried to hide his annoyance as he looked inside the
bag. He was particular about his clothes and didn’t like others picking them
out. He’d fought his sister Hestie and his mother on that front for most of his
life. But when he turned the soft cotton over in his hand, he was pleasantly
surprised. She’d bought him a t-shirt? He lifted the light blue shirt from the
bag and read the front of it: I paused my game to be here.
“You like it?” she asked. “The color matches your eyes.”
“I do,” he said, and he meant it. “Thanks.”
“Check it out.” Jinsoo walked across the deck in his new
clothes—a tight-fitting gray shirt and skinny black jeans and boots. “Do I look
good enough for Mount Olympus?”
Alastair laughed. The sandy-haired vampire was wearing a
long-sleeved, button-down shirt unbuttoned over a white V-neck and
loose-fitting jeans cinched at his hips with a thick leather belt. “If the gods
are grading you on sex appeal, you got this, boyfriend.”
Jinsoo smiled as Chidori landed on his shoulder. “Do you
The yellow canary tweeted her praise.
“Where’s Poros?” Hestie asked as she brushed her red curly
hair from her eyes.
Hermie glanced at the upper deck. “Isn’t he on the flybridge
with Captain?”
“No one is on the flybridge,” Alastair pointed out.
The swooshing sound of wings overhead made everyone turn
their eyes up to the sky. It was Pegasus hovering above the ship with Poros and
Prometheus astride him.
“We’re late,” the captain said as he pulled his white
captain’s hat more firmly over his black curly hair. “Come on.”
Hestie flew up and mounted the white horse behind Poros. To
Hermie, she said, “Sorry. No more room.”
Prometheus turned to the vampires. “I trust you’ll keep an
eye on the ship?”
“We will have to do it from below deck.” Del pointed to the
hint of dawn just beyond the mountains to the east.
Alastair gave an informal salute that ended with a snap of
his fingers. “We will reach out to you if we sense anything wrong.”
“Thanks.” Prometheus tipped his white captain’s hat.
“See ya,” Hermie said to Del just before he kissed her
“See ya,” she said with a smile.
Jinsoo winked at Alastair and then joined Hermie in the air
beside Pegasus.
To Jinsoo, Hermie said, “Mount Olympus, here we come.”
Hestie wrapped her arms around Poros and leaned against his
back as Pegasus soared over the Mediterranean Sea.
“Miss me?” she whispered into Poros’s ear as his blond hair
tickled her lips.
Poros glanced back at her with a grin, his gray eyes
sparkling in the moonlight. “Cute outfit.”
She wore very short shorts with a white tank. But the tank
was no ordinary tank. The straps were embellished with layers of gathered
fabric making thick, soft ruffles that she found divine. One of the perks of
being a goddess unaffected by changing temperatures was that one could continue
to wear summer fashions well into fall.
“Thanks. You should see what I bought for you.”
She felt him chuckle against her. He wouldn’t fight her,
like Hermie did, when it came to her fashion choices for him, and she loved him
for it.
The sun god Helios appeared in his golden cup on the horizon
just as they reached Mount Olympus. The gates parted, and the young gods waited
near the fountain while Prometheus took Pegasus to the stables. Then, together,
they flew up the rainbow steps and into the temple, where the other gods were
Hestie followed Poros and Prometheus into the middle of the
great hall, where the Olympians were already seated on their thrones. Aphrodite
and Artemis gave the young gods a smile and a wave as they walked past, as did
the three Charities sitting around Aphrodite. Hestie waved back. One of the
Charities—Pasithia—dropped her handkerchief at Poros’s feet. When he picked it
up and handed it back to her, she smiled up at him with a flirtatious gleam in
her eyes that Hestie found irritating. What was even more irritating was the
blush that crossed Poros’s face. Should Hestie be worried?
Across the room, the Muses softly hummed a melody behind
Apollo. Between Apollo and Hephaestus stood the demigods Gertie and Hector.
Hestie gave them each a smile.
Hestie’s mom and
grandparents—Hades and Persephone—were also there. Her grandparents were seated
on the double throne between Artemis and Hestia, where Demeter usually sat.
Demeter was probably at her winter cabin with Hecate, since it was late
October, the time of year when Persephone lived in the Underworld, and Demeter
Hestie’s mother flew to greet her and her brother. It had
only been a few days since they last saw her, but their meetings were usually
few and far between.
“You’ve been shopping,” her mother said with a smile and a
hug. “You look good.”
“Thanks,” Hestie said. “Did you cut your hair again?”
The last time Hestie had seen her mother, whose hair was red
and curly like hers, it had reached her shoulders. But today, it was cut in a
bob just below her ears.
“It kept getting in my way.”
“It’s cute,” Hestie said, wondering if she should do the
same with her hair.
“I wish Dad could be here, too,” Hermie said as he hugged
their mom.
“Not while there are mortals,” their mother replied. “You
know the drill.”
Hestie sighed. It wasn’t always convenient when your father
was the god of death.
Persephone waved at them. “Come stand over here with us.”
As Prometheus followed the young gods to linger near the
double throne shared by Hades and Persephone, Hestie noticed Athena watching
him. But Prometheus seemed to make a point of not returning her gaze. He was
still upset with her for the vampire Taavi’s death and for putting the rest of
his crew in danger.
Poros seemed to notice, too. He squeezed Hestie’s hand
before leaving her side to say hello to his sister.
“Sit here beside me,” Athena said to him, offering him what
was once Hera’s place on their father’s double throne. It was made of gold and
was adorned with an eagle and three peacocks.
“I’d rather stand with Hestie,” he said. “If you don’t
Hestie felt bad for worrying about Pasithia’s flirtations.
Poros had never given Hestie any reason to doubt his feelings for her. She
needed to snap out of it.
Athena, whose long, straight, black hair set off her
striking gray eyes—eyes that looked exactly like Poros’s—frowned at Hestie.
“Not at all.”
Ares scoffed as Poros left Athena. What was his problem? At
least Hermes had a smile and a wink for her. That put Hestie at ease again.
Poseidon, sitting between Hermes and Apollo, made no attempt at eye contact,
and Apollo was busy talking to Hephaestus.
Hestie could tell that Gertie was busting at the seams,
anxious to join the ranks of the immortals. She wondered if Gertie would be
just as annoying as a goddess, or if she’d settle down, no longer compelled to
show off her book knowledge.
Athena stood up and cleared her throat. The muses stopped
The goddess of wisdom began: “Thank you all for coming to
this historic moment on Mount Olympus. The young god Jinsoo will declare his
purpose, and the demigod Gertie, who has valiantly proven her mettle, will
become one of us. These two events will require the consent of our majority.
Once these rituals have ended, we will turn our attention to deciding what to
do about Sailfish Trading and Shipping.”
Hestie glanced at Jinsoo and then across the room at Gertie.
They were equally pale and jittery.
“Jinsoo Huang, please come forward,” Athena said.
Jinsoo left Prometheus’s side to stand before Athena, in the
center of the circle of thrones. To Hestie, he looked small, even as a god,
probably because he was only fifteen when he underwent apotheosis.
“Have you found your purpose?” Athena asked him.
“Yes, goddess.”
Jinsoo swallowed hard and combed his short black hair from
his eyes. “I will be the god of sailors.”
Athena turned to the god of the sea. “And this doesn’t
encroach upon your realm?”
“There may be some overlap,” Poseidon grumbled. “But, given
my part in recent tragic events, I’m determined to accept it.”
“Poseidon controls the sea, of course,” Jinsoo added. “And
all the things living in it. He controls the sailing vessels.”
“He doesn’t control all of the vessels,” Hermes interjected.
“Shipping crafts are my domain, as are pirates.”
“Not entirely,” Poseidon argued.
“Brother, uncle, please,” Athena said. “This argument has
plagued us for centuries, and I doubt it will be settled today. Let us agree
that Jinsoo will be the primary caretaker of sailors.”
“Hear, hear,” Hades said.
“All in favor, say aye,” Athena said.
The great hall resounded with the gods’ assent.
“All opposed?” Athena asked.
The hall was silent.
Jinsoo bowed to the other gods as applause erupted. Then,
smiling, he returned to Prometheus’s side. Hestie couldn’t be happier for him.
She only wished Alastair could have been here to see it. Even now, after all
the vampires had done to help the gods and humanity, they still weren’t welcome
on Mount Olympus.
Once the hall had become silent again, Athena said,
“Gertrude Morgan, please step forward.”
Gertie glanced nervously at Hector before she released his
hand and moved to the center of the hall. Hestie supposed that the two demigods
were back together. She wondered if Gertie still thought about Taavi, or if she
had blotted him from her mind.
Athena smiled at Gertie as she said, “We have asked you here
today to join us as the goddess of vampires, who have for too long been
underserved by this pantheon. I can admit my own contribution to their
mistreatment and neglect. But that is to be no longer.”
“I’m so happy to hear you say that,” Gertie said.
“And your father, Dionysus, has no qualms with this
decision?” Hermes asked.
Gertie shook her head. “He’s given me his blessing.”
“And you have given this proper thought and reflection?”
Athena asked her. “Once you accept this yolk, it cannot be thrown off, lest you
go insane.”
Hestie noticed Gertie’s lips were trembling. “Insane? Well,
I would never walk away from my responsibilities. I want this. I’m sure of it.”
“Well, then,” Athena began.
“But I do have one condition,” Gertie said earnestly as she
looked around the room. “I will only serve this pantheon as the goddess of
vampires if Hector, a great warrior and the son of Hephaestus, is allowed to
undergo apotheosis, too.”
Gasps filled the room, and all eyes turned to Hector, who
stood white-faced and gaping. Hestie couldn’t believe Gertie was making
conditions. Was she crazy?
“I don’t appreciate demands, Gertrude,” Athena said sharply.
“But Hector would make an amazing god,” Gertie insisted.
“And we’re in love and want to be together.”
Hestie sucked in air, wishing Gertie was better at censoring
her words.
“How sweet,” Aphrodite said.
Hector’s face turned red and then quickly faded back to a
pasty white.
“Your love-life is not our concern,” Athena said with a
scoff. “And I am beginning to doubt your readiness for this transformation.”
Aphrodite flew to her feet. “I don’t appreciate your
attitude toward love, Athena. It may not be our priority today, but it isn’t
something to scoff at, either.”
“My apologies, sister,” Athena said in a way that didn’t
sound sincere.
“What purpose would Hector contribute to the pantheon?”
Hades wanted to know.
“Come forward, Hector,” Ares demanded. “Did you put her up
to this?”
Hector moved to Gertie’s side. “I didn’t her put her up to
anything, no. But I do know how I would like to serve, if given the chance.”
“Do tell us,” Athena said with an impatient frown.
“I want to be the god of demigods.”
“A trainer of warriors?” Ares asked with his brows lifted.
“Like the days of Chiron?”
Hector shook his head. “I can help them to train and to
become strong warriors for you, but I also want to act as a mediary between the
gods and their children.”
Hestie noticed uneasiness sweep across the room.
“We don’t need a mediary,” Poseidon insisted.
“I was just thinking the same thing,” Apollo admitted.
“Why do you think we need one?” Hermes asked Hector.
“Because, well, I hate to say it, but…”
“Spit it out,” Athena said.
Hector glanced back at his father before returning Athena’s
gaze. “The gods, for the most part, ignore their children. And their children
grow up feeling unloved and neglected. I’d like to remedy this problem by
finding ways to involve demigods with their parents.”
“Oh, boy,” Hades said beneath his breath. “This idea is
Hestie turned to her grandfather and whispered, “Why?”
Ares stood up and answered in Hades’s stead. “Because we
don’t need to be told what to do by another god—especially a new, inexperienced
one. We see our kids on our own terms, thank you very much.”
Hector glanced back at Hephaestus, who’d remained quiet. “Do
you have an opinion on this, Father?”
Hestie had never seen Hephaestus angry, but his red face
gave him away when he said, “Has it ever occurred to you that gods don’t desire
to have relationships with their mortal children?”
“It has,” Hector said, now growing angry, too. “You’ve made
it fairly obvious, until recently, that is. You showed me your forge.”
“I regret that already,” Hephaestus growled.
Tears sprang to Hector’s eyes.
Hestie’s stomach clenched, and her heart ached for Hector.
She couldn’t stop herself from saying telepathically to Hephaestus, How can you
be so cruel?
“Then why have them?” Hector wanted to know. “If you don’t
want relationships with them, why have them?”
“Gods aren’t immune to making mistakes,” Artemis pointed
“So, I’m a mistake,” Hector said beneath his breath.
The gods began whispering among themselves.
Ares threw up his hands. “Humankind needs great warriors.”
“And great artists,” Apollo added.
“And great athletes,” Hermes said.
Hector wiped his eyes. “How noble.”
Athena shook a fist. “Order. I want order.”
The room became silent again.
Then, Athena said, “Gertrude, it’s clear to me that your
request to include Hector in this pantheon has been denied. And because you
foolishly made that a condition of your own transformation, you will not be
joining us, either. I think it’s time that these mortals left Mount Olympus
before they offend us further. We have other business to discuss.”
Hestie looked from Gertie to Poros, shocked and upset. Was
this really happening? Gertie might lack common sense, but she didn’t deserve
“Wait,” Poros objected. “Shouldn’t we put this to a vote?”
Hermes stood up. “I think we should hold off making this
decision. Let’s give it more time. Right now, our priority should be what to do
about STS and its smuggling of humans and dangerous weapons.”
“Hear, hear,” Poseidon said.
“All in favor of postponing our decision about Gertrude’s
apotheosis, say aye,” Athena said.
The hall resounded with the assent of gods.
“All opposed?” Athena asked.
The hall was silent.
Hestie sighed with relief. Maybe with more time, the minds
of the gods could be changed.
“We’ll readjourn in a few months’ time,” Athena said. “Let’s
move on to more important matters.”
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