Friday, September 30, 2022

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ War in the Hearts of Men by Eli Coberly


Transformational; Spiritual

Release Date: September 21, 2022

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

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In War in the Hearts of Men, Eli Coberly details his lifelong quest to understand the Maya culture and its impact on the present. The author shares his discovery of the artistry of stone-carved symbols on the heels of his extensive travels to both Central and South America. In this intimate and inspirational text, Coberly contrasts contemporary life with the past as he explores spiritual rituals that formed the framework of the ancient Maya culture. War in the Hearts of Men, which identifies and interprets the historical ideologies that suppressed the feminine, displayed the cultural imbalances caused by rampant colonialism, and resulted in the subjugation of Native populations over many centuries, furthers the journey of enlightenment sought by those wise enough to learn from the past.



After failing in relationships more often than I’ve succeeded, I realize that on this planet our current model of masculinity is not working. I felt the experience of this truth so deeply, it became impossible to ignore. Through my own trauma post-military service and my personal search for truth, I found a way to internally transform myself through not just the physical practice of yoga, but in keeping with the philosophy of the religion of yoga, which isn’t limited to the Far East.

The question I asked at the beginning was, “If the snake was such a big part of evolution and revered by cultures worldwide, then why in the Bible is it associated with Satan and evil? And why is it associated with the projection of guilt for women?”

 I felt the need to be more than just the change I wished to see in the world. I felt the urge to serve as a beacon to correct the imbalance of the sexes and the manifestations of war.





Chapter 1

What a long, strange trip it’s been.


It was the fall of 1996 when I arrived at my first Army duty station at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I walked into the barracks to witness a man smoking a cigarette in the hallway. The smoke burnt his eyes as the glow in the dimly lighted hallway illuminated his face. The ash piled on the floor as it swirled down the tile hallway full of chiseled bodies clad in camouflage. I followed the path of smoke and ash, visually connecting last names with faces.

 His hand shook from withdrawal. As he cleaned his M-60, A bead of alcohol-infused sweat dripped from his nose. It seemed to fall in slow motion into the chamber.

I watched in awe.

“Hey, Cherry, my name’s Hess.”

“Everyone, say hi to the new cherry,” said the platoon sergeant.

Just then a man of my same rank asked me to do push-ups.

“No,” I answered.

This didn’t sit well with anyone.

Over the next week I was harassed more and more, especially when they found out I could do more pushups and run faster. I wanted their acceptance and, more than anything, their trust. But I was torn between acting tough and being a pushover.

As soon as it hit five o'clock, most of the other soldiers were downing Bud Lights and chain-smoking. Usually around midnight a few of them started to yell Babalu. I was unsure what that meant. Each night it became louder and louder.

One night I heard pounding on my door.

“Hey, it’s Ted. Let’s party; we have beer,” I heard through the door.

“Hell, yeah,” I said.

I was thinking they’d accepted me. This would be a bonding experience. Standing in my underwear at the door, I unlocked the deadbolt. Ten guys wearing black leather gloves, some masked and some not, rushed me, pinned me down and locked the door. I knew exactly who they were.

They shut out the light for a second that seemed like an eternity. It was silent. They began to chant.

“Bob aloo, bob aloo.”

The chants grew louder and louder. My hands and feet were restrained, my eyes covered by a towel. I smelled rubbing alcohol in the darkness. As I peered under my blindfold, I saw the black gloves illuminated and burning in blue flame. Their hands began to beat my upper torso with great force.

In tears I took the beating. I was powerless and silent. It was the worst pain I had ever felt. I gasped as one of them cupped a hand over my mouth. Something alerted the sergeant downstairs at the front desk. They must’ve heard him coming, because they all fled at once.

“Coberly, are you okay?” he yelled as he entered the room.

“I’m fine; I fell off the top bunk,” I said, still in tears.

“Bullshit, go to bed. We’ll deal with this in the morning,” he said.

Just as soon as I closed my eyes, they opened. I heard a loud banging on the door.

Sergeant Bromly, the guy from the night before, yelled, “Get the fuck up, were going to the First Sergeant’s.”

 “Just to let you know, Hess and Mcguff are already standing tall before the man,” he whispered in my ear as we walked down the stairs.

I felt sick to my stomach, not only because of the pain from my beating, but because I knew they were aware of what had happened. I would be either hated for the rest of my enlistment, or I could keep my mouth shut. I had to make a choice in that instant.

Sergeant Bromly opened the door and the wind pulled me to the desk. I screeched to the position of attention and saluted the company commander.

“At ease, Coberly. What the fuck! Lift up your shirt,” he ordered.

I looked to my left. Bromley, Hess and Mcguff were all at parade rest just like I was.

I took a deep breath. Before I exhaled, the First Sergeant chimed in, “You heard the man.”

I pulled up my gray army shirt and the First Sergeant yelled, “Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell happened?”

I looked and saw handprint on top of handprint in every color of the rainbow.

“I fell off my bunk,” I answered.

“Bullshit, try again,” replied the First Sergeant.

I froze.

“I’m not going to ask you twice!”

I looked over at the other guys. In an instant, I pictured a long hellish time out in the field on training exercises.

The captain winced as I cleared my throat. “It’s like I said, sir.”

The First Sergeant, a crusty lifer, smirked behind his mustache, as if saying that he liked my style. Nevertheless, I was busted down two ranks. I was court martialed for lying to an officer. But for me it was worth it, because I gained the trust of the rest of the group forever. I buried that memory the best I could.



About the Author

Eli Coberly is a world traveler and seeker of truth through adventure. At seventeen, he left his small Pacific Northwest town to fulfill his dream of becoming an Army paratrooper. At twenty, he was honorably discharged and began his search for a new dream. Eli’s writing has taken him worldwide to explore a few of the bigger questions of our human existence, and his prophetic worldview combines military service, counterculture, and the anthropology and archeology of the world’s religious symbols. He has studied the migration of the indigenous and ingested their medicine, absorbed their art, and embodied their cosmovision. A yoga therapist, Eli has been a student of yoga for over a decade. When he isn’t writing or practicing yoga, Eli can be found examining Tibetan Buddhist tradition, sitting in ceremony with Maya priests, and traversing caves deep in the Belize jungle. He currently resides in Northern California.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Blitz ~ Wild at Heart - Wild Love: Book One by Stacy Gold


Wild at Heart
Stacy Gold
(Wild Love, #1)
Publication date: May 2nd 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

They each hit the trail solo in search of themselves…

Overworked entrepreneur Jules Martinez is sick and tired of men leaving her for their exes. Determined to wipe the giant, scarlet Rfor rebound off her forehead, she kicks off a yearlong vow of celibacy with five, blissful weeks backpacking her favorite trails through Washington State. Solo.

Out-of-work financial analyst Evan Davenport hasn’t been happy since camping in Scouts as a kid—before his wealthy parents and now ex-fiancé made all his major life decisions. Hoping to find joy and purpose, he buys all the latest ultralight backpacking gear, flies to Washington, and sets off alone on a weeklong speed hike through the wilderness.

Mother Nature has other plans, though, and keeps shoving Evan and Jules in each other’s paths. Usually naked. When sparks fly, can they find what they’re looking for in life together instead of apart?

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On sale for $1.99 for a limited time only!


Chapter 1


“I’m so jealous, Jules.” Bryn perched on the end of one of the beds in our hotel room at Cascade Locks, watching me pack gear. The thin, gray light of pre-dawn filtered through a crack in gold curtains that’d seen better days.

I tucked a bag of snacks and my rain jacket into the top of my backpack, cinched the drawcord, and buckled the lid with a solid click. “Of what, twelve guys dumping me for their exes in a row? I’m sure we could arrange that for you too. If you ever really start dating again.”

“Ha. Funny.” She toed my calf. “You’re taking five weeks off to go backpacking solo. Who cares why?”

Tingles of excitement zoomed around in my chest and I flashed her a grin. “Yeah. Dealing with zero assholes and zero clients for more than a month does sound pretty heavenly, doesn’t it?”

She grinned back. “Like I said, totally jealous. At least of your trip.” Her expression went serious. “I still can’t believe the next guy you date is gonna be unlucky number thirteen, though.”

“Yeah. I’ve thought about that. Probably too much. Definitely enough to jinx the next one for sure. So, I’m swearing off men for at least a year to restart the count.” I hesitated, the excitement buzz fading. “A year is enough time to consider it a clean dating slate, right?”

“Wait. You mean you’re swearing off dating, or swearing off sex too?”

The last eight years had been nothing but suckage on the relationship front. It’d probably take more than a year to fix my shit. But nothing would change if I didn’t change something. “Yes. Both. All of it.”

Bryn eyes widened. “You’re serious.”

“Dead.” Bending, I tugged the rough nylon laces of my left boot. The well-worn leather snugged around my foot. “I’m never gonna figure out anything buried in too much work plus too many bad dates.”

“When did you decide this?”

“Last night.” I shouldered my pack and adjusted the straps until the familiar weight settled on the tops of my hipbones. “What I’ve been doing isn’t working. It’s time to take a big step back and focus on myself for longer than just a few weeks.”

“I guess that’s one way to break the pattern.” Bryn opened the door, and we stepped outside into early morning stillness. “And yes, a year is definitely long enough to clean your dating slate.”

Fog tendrils drifted from the Columbia River across the half-empty parking lot. The air hung thick with moisture and cedar and the sweet mustiness of damp soil. The best smell in the world after too many days breathing city fumes.

“I sure as hell hope so. If not, at least maybe I can figure out what to do about my business. I can’t keep working this much.”

We strolled across the lot side-by-side, the chill air nipping my skin through my nylon hiking pants and shirt, waking me up. The sky glowed marigold behind the inky silhouettes of the mountains.

“You’ll come up with a plan. You always do.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” We crossed the empty highway, walked a few hundred yards, and turned off. Gravel crunched under our soles. “And thanks for driving me down here from Seattle. And picking me up at the other end.”

“Of course. That’s what best friends are for.” She wrapped a hand around my arm and leaned in, hugging one of my few body parts not covered by my backpack. “Though I still wish I was going with you. I could use a break from assholes and clients, too.”

The first golden rays of sunlight slanted through the tree branches, lighting the dirt road ahead. “We’ll have to plan a girlfriends’ trip once I get back.”

“I’m holding you to that.” Her warm hand tightened on my biceps. “Maybe we can convince Aly to come with us for once.”

I snorted. “We’ll get Aly on a backpacking trip when pigs fly. But I’m all for trying.”

A handful of parked cars and a dark brown trailhead kiosk appeared, marking the southern end of the Pacific Crest Trail through Washington. And my starting point. And the start of five weeks of solitary bliss in one of my favorite places in the whole world.

Bryn pulled out her phone. “Hey. Let me grab a shot of you in front of the sign, to commemorate the moment.”

“Okay.” I took a few steps back.

“Say, single life.”

I popped a hip and smiled for the camera. “Single life.”

“Perfect.” She slipped her phone into her pocket. “I love you, girlfriend. Stay safe out there and call me whenever you hit civilization.”

“I will.” My throat tightened. “I love you, too.”

Author Bio:

Award-winning adventure romance author Stacy Gold would rather be in the middle of nowhere than almost anywhere else. To that end, she’s run more than 50 rivers in three countries, been heli-dropped into remote ski huts multiple times (and made it into even more under her own steam), worked for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service as a backcountry ranger, river ranger, and naturalist, and spent fourteen years as a commercial river guide and kayak instructor. Her last “real job” was serving as Communications Director for a state-wide mountain biking non-profit.

When she’s not busy kayaking, skiing, mountain biking, or hiking, with her husband and happy dogs, Ms. Gold writes about independent, badass women finding love and adventure in the great outdoors. Her latest release, Wild at Heart, came out May 2nd, 2022.

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Book Blitz ~ Mermaid of Venice - Mermaid of Venice Series: Book One by Jincey Lumpkin


Mermaid of Venice
Jincey Lumpkin
(Mermaid of Venice, #1)
Publication date: March 15th 2021
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

IndieReader Approved with 4.8 of 5 stars: “MERMAID OF VENICE is an electrifying series starter that immerses readers in a world filled with glamor, sex, murder, and mermaids.”

Dive into the extremely glamorous life of Gia Acquaviva, an ultra-rich Venetian mogul with a portfolio of clubs and casinos around the globe. Gia harbors dark secrets––and an underwater graveyard filled with the bones of her former lovers.

Her family’s roots descend from the mythological sirens of ancient Greece, but she’s taken every precaution to protect her anonymity and the existence of other mermaids. Gia lures in men with a beguiling façade, but inside lurks a deeply troubled soul, severely damaged by a mysterious past.

Despite her sinister desires, she longs for true intimacy and believes she may have found her match in Cameron Langley, a successful London-based banker and dead ringer for Chris Hemsworth. He offers Gia her first real opportunity for lasting love. They share an intensely passionate, deeply sensual connection… but is her growing affection for new lover enough to lull the murderous cravings she feels building within?

Fans of Killing Eve and Big Little Lies will love Mermaid of Venice, a sexy psychological thriller with lush fantasy elements. The setting is modern day Europe with all the chic locales, hot spots and vistas of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley and a juicy splash of the lavish lifestyle in E. L. James’s 50 Shades series. This is not the Little Mermaid you grew up with. Gia’s out for blood.

Mermaid of Venice is the first installment in a series of 6 books about Gia Acquaviva.

The complete series:

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The full series is out NOW! Get started on it today!

EXCERPT (book 1):

In a dark corner of the canal, Gia Aqcuaviva sat on the curved wooden edge of her Riva doing what most locals did during the Venice Film Festival: She observed celebrities. Mega-yachts littered the Grand Canal—no doubt there were many billions in global currencies floating on the water.

She was not a star-struck teen. On the contrary, she’d crossed paths with her fair share of the glitterati on the floors of her casinos and in the VIP rooms of her clubs in Paris and Berlin and Monte Carlo. Gia preferred the shadows, though. On this particular evening, she was staked out for one particular star, Nicolás Ángel Fernández, her lover.

Nico was scheduled for the red carpet at five o’clock, a prime slot for maximum exposure to the paparazzi. His handlers would make sure he hit every mark and, then, that he would be smuggled out of the theater’s side door just as the lights went down. He couldn’t stand the sight of his own famous face on the screen. Never mind that he’d attained “Sexiest Man Alive” status several times over.

He didn’t even like to see himself on directors’ monitors. The lack of vanity, the self-loathing, it was all part of his appeal. He preferred, instead, to look at Gia. Her deep brown hair, nearly waist long. Her pearly skin. She was almost fifty, but he didn’t know that—almost no one did. Those fortunate enough to meet her assumed that she was a rich woman in her late twenties or thirties. Her beauty defied logic, except that it didn’t.

Author Bio:

Jincey Lumpkin is a writer who splits her time between NYC and Lisbon. She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its “OUT 100,” naming her as one of the world’s most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin. Sign up for exclusive content at

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Pre-Order Blitz ~ Naughty or Nice - A Holiday Regency Anthology



Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Steamy and Sweet romances

Published Date: E-Book releases October 18, 2022

Publisher: WOLF Publishing

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This wintery holiday collection of seven never before published Regency romances by seven of your favorite historical romance authors will bring you dreamy gentlemen and fierce ladies that share swoon-worthy kisses, heart-pounding nights, and magical happily-ever-afters.

On WOLF Publishing's Naughty or Nice list, you'll find captivatingly sweet tales that melt your heart as well as sizzling romances that heat up your nights!

Find out who's been naughty and who's been nice this year, in...


Bree Wolf's: Once Upon an Aggravatingly Heroic Kiss

Once upon a time, our beloved Grandma Edie began her career as the best matchmaker in known history by using her extraordinary talent to bring about her own happily-ever-after...

Determined to perform a Christmas miracle by seeing her friend wed to the man she loves, Edith finds herself distracted from her task by a teasing gentleman with wicked eyes and a devilish smile.


Sydney Jane Baily's: A Diamond for Christmas

In a Regency Romeo and Juliet, heady desire blossoms between a lord and a lady from warring families.

Lord Geoffrey Diamond is the heir to an earldom with dash-fire to spare. There is no lady in London he ought not to be able to woo and win. Except one. Lady Caroline is vexed to learn the only man who makes her tingle is prohibited. Forbidden even to dance with Diamond, she finds herself breaking all the rules in order to follow her heart.

When they take a desperate chance on happiness, will it lead to a Christmas miracle or a Christmas calamity?


Tracy Sumner's: The Governess Gamble

He's a devil of a rake. Can an accidental governess teach him life's most important lesson?

To repair her scandalous reputation, American heiress Franny Shaw flees to London in search of a desperate nobleman with a title for sale. An impulsive decision places her in the path of lonely libertine, Chance Allerton, at Christmastide. Can a make-believe governess teach a wicked viscount a sizzling lesson in love or will it take a holiday miracle?


Fenna Edgewood's: The Countess's Christmas Groom

She is his ideal match. The woman he has been waiting for all of his life. The only problem? He's her servant.

This Christmas, two very unlikely individuals are about to realize they are one another's ideal match. And once mutual desire has been sparked, they will never be parted, no matter the price they must face.


Charlie Lane's: A Very Daring Christmas

Christmas is the most daring time of the year.

Crowded London streets, eccentric shop keeps, violent-minded maids, and chaotic coffeehouses. A daring but reluctant debutant and the steward who adores her will brave it all to find the elusive perfect gift that could win their hearts desires.


Jennifer Monroe's: Gentleman of Christmas Past

A lady determined to find love. A gentleman wanting her hand in marriage. A Christmas story you will never forget.

Miss Agnes Fitzimmons and Mr. Phillip Rutley each have a Christmas wish—to marry one another. Yet with financial burdens threatening to keep them apart, it will take a Christmas miracle to have the happily ever after they deserve.


Meredith Bond's: Christmas Intrigue

Can the joy of Christmas, and a beautiful woman, distract him from his duty?

Is it a recipe for disaster? Not even close. Whether Markgraf Alexander Kottenfurst thinks the spirited Prudence Torrington is naughty or nice will determine if this Christmas intrigue will lead to something wonderful.



Bree Wolf, Sydney Jane Baily, Tracy Sumner, Fenna Edgewood, Charlie Lane, Jennifer Monroe, Meredith Bond


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Cover Reveal ~ A Realm of Ash and Shadow by Lara Buckheit


A Realm of Ash and Shadow
Lara Buckheit
Publication date: July 2023
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult

After eighteen years in exile, Princess Valeria Breault is forced to return to Empyrean only to discover her place as heir to the throne is in danger, her every idea of family is not what she believed it to be, and that sometimes, enemies make the best allies.

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Author Bio:

Lara Buckheit was born and raised on the Eastern Shore. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Wilmington University, is a 2021 WriteMentor Mentee, an avid writer (and reader) of spice, and one time she met Taylor Swift’s dad.

She started writing at a very young age, mostly fanfiction centered around women with swords and men with devilish grins. And she hasn’t stopped since.

When not writing, Lara can be found drinking tea, hustling for her day job, reading from her endless TBR pile, or hanging out on her body confidence Instagram.

Lara currently lives in Charlottesville, VA, with her husband, dog, and thirteen houseplants named after fictional characters.

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Release Blitz ~ Bane of Angels by L. L. Hunter



Title: Bane of Angels
Author: L.L. Hunter
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy/PNR
Cover Designer: KILA Designs
Publication Date: Sept. 30th, 2022
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR


Ebony is now the fully fledged Goddess of the entire universe.

Something she’d never thought would happen.

She was told she was worthy of such a title, but Ebony is still suffering from imposter syndrome.


Travis is changing. Again.

Ever since the demon attack in the Realm of Ice, he has been different,

Distant, and his powers are morphing into something more dark and deadly.

Will the darkness completely overcome him?

Will Ebony’s love be able to bring him back into the light?


A war with the rebels is brewing, and this time they’re out for blood.

Will they be able to find the Nephilim’s weakness and exploit it?


Betrayal. Love. Rebellion. War.


In the final chapter of the bestselling Ebony Angel series,

Friendships will be tested. Lines will be drawn, and hearts will be broken.

Will the Nephilim make it out alive?


L.L. Hunter is the bestselling author of over 50 published works, including The Nephilim Universe and The Summervale Series. She has studied and worked in a range of professions, including dog grooming, forensic science, and the dramatic arts, but has always known her true calling was to be an author. When not working on her next novel, she can be found at home in Australia, reading somewhere comfortable with her fur babies, drinking wine, or watching true crime documentaries. Follow her on Facebook (, Twitter @llhunterbooks, Instagram @llhunter and her website

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Release Tour ~ The Book Boyfriend - A Wrong Side of the Tracks Romance by Kate Stacy


In THE BOOK BOYFRIEND by Kate Stacy, Mila Cross never expected to find love, but when bad boy Crossland Parker comes into her life and sweeps her off her feet, suddenly she’s falling hard for the man from the wrong side of the tracks. But when a secret from his past is exposed, will its revelation destroy everything? Fans of small-town, opposites attract romances will enjoy this must-read wrong-side-of-the-tracks romance from the Meet Cute Book Club Series.

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Escape with the Meet Cute Book Club, where meet cutes don't happen only between the pages of romance novels, and one by one, all the members find their own happily ever afters. Mila I never thought I’d have a real-life meet cute, but the minute Crossland Parker walks into my life, it starts feeling like I’m living in the pages of a romance novel. He sweeps me off my feet, and I find myself falling fast and hard for the rough around the edges mechanic. He’s a troubled bad boy with a heart of gold. Cross fits into my life effortlessly, even sharing my love of books. He’s everything I didn’t know I wanted in a man. Attentive, sweet, a little bit possessive. He’s also my biggest source of support when I decide I want to buy the building next door so I can expand my business. So what if he has a criminal record? No one is perfect. Unless you ask my stepfather. He expects nothing less than perfection, but not even I could ever come close. Cross After spending too many years wandering when I was released from prison, I came back to Abbott Ridge to start over. I wasn’t expecting Mila Santos to fall into my arms, but I’m irrevocably drawn to the curvy little beauty who owns the bookstore. She’s a good girl, too good for a guy like me. Our relationship develops faster than most, but I spent too many years of my life locked up. Now that I’m out, I refuse to waste a single second. I’m still not sure I deserve someone as sweet as Mila, but if she accepts me and all my faults, there’s no way I’m letting her go. Only a fucking fool would do that. My past is no secret, and I knew the day would come when someone would try to use it against me. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Is happily ever after possible when a good girl falls for the guy from the wrong side of the tracks? The Book Boyfriend is a standalone, wrong side of the tracks romance that is part of the Meet Cute Book Club multi-author series. Add to Goodreads!


Copyright 2022 @ Kate Stacy

She’s fucking adorable. Mila is still standing in the spot where I left her when I pass by the bookstore’s front window. Grinning, I toss her a wink and keep walking, picturing the beautiful blush that stains her skin when she’s flustered. I love how affected she is by me. I knew Mila was gorgeous when I saw her from across the street yesterday, but up close… damn. She’s a stunner. Easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And I get to see her again on Friday. I came to the bookstore today hoping to see her even though I knew there was a good chance that she wasn’t available, but I had to shoot my shot. I’m fucking relieved she isn’t with somebody. It would have sucked if I put myself out there only to find out I didn’t stand a chance. I’ll admit, part of me can’t believe she agreed to go out with me, but I’m happy she did. Halfway back to the garage, reality sets in. What was I even thinking going in there? Mila is sweet as hell, far too good for a roughneck like me. I’m a felon for fuck’s sake. No. Fuck that. My criminal record doesn’t define me. I have to stop letting my past rule my life. I’m more than some guy who got locked up for trying to defend someone who didn’t deserve it. I paid the price for my mistakes. I did my time and now I need to move on. I deserve happiness as much as anyone else. As long as I’m honest and don’t try to hide it, Mila doesn’t seem like the type that would hold my past against me. I’ll be up front with her about it and let the chips fall where they may. I’ve got a good feeling about her. “Who’s the girl?” Bishop asks as I walk into the garage. My brows dip low in confusion and I look around the bay, not seeing anyone. “What girl?” “The girl that put that goofy ass smile on your face,” he says with a knowing look. “Only a woman can make a man smile like that.” I hadn’t realized I was smiling when I came in, but I feel one stretch across my face now. “Her name is Mila.” “From the bookstore?” “You know her?” I ask, closing the distance between us. “I know of her.” At my look of surprise, Bishop rolls his eyes. “You said it yourself yesterday, Cross. Abbott Ridge is a small town.” He turns his attention back to the engine he’s working on. “Pass me that wrench.” Knowing which one he wants without asking, I grab it and hand it over. “The real question is…” He pauses to look at me. “How do you know her?” Reaching behind me, I pull the book out of my back pocket. Chuckling, Bishop shakes his head. “Should have known. Can’t believe you read that girly shit.” “Don’t hate,” I tell him. “This girly shit just got me a date with perfection on Friday night.” He eyes the book. “Well, hell. Maybe I need to pick up a new hobby. Mila’s a pretty girl.” “Find your own pretty girl, Bish,” I say, popping him on the back of the head with the book. “Mila is mine.” Fucker laughs. “It’s like that?” “Damn right it’s like that.” I drop the book on top of the tool cabinet and grab a beer from the fridge. “I saw her yesterday when I was leaving the tattoo shop.” “No doubt a gorgeous girl like that grabbed your attention.” “Hell yeah. Would have talked to her yesterday, but she was on her way out. Almost got discouraged when I watched her drop into the passenger seat of a sweet ass ride, but decided to take a chance anyway.” “Black Chevelle?” he asks, glancing up. “Yeah.” He nods. “Her younger brother, Mateo.” “Damn, Bish,” I say, dropping my ass onto a stool. “You really do know everyone in this town. Bet you got all the good gossip.” Bishop snorts. “I ain’t got shit. Mateo spent a lot of time here. Rented one of the bays so he could restore that beauty of his. He had the know-how, but needed somewhere to do the work.” “I’d love to get my hands on that car.” “Good luck with that. He won’t let anyone else work on it. Not even me.” That makes me chuckle. “I respect that. Nothing more important to a man than his car.” “And his girl,” he says, no so subtly turning the conversation back to Mila. “Where are you taking her?”

About Kate Stacy

Author of emotionally-gripping, contemporary romance, Kate Stacy’s novels feature sassy heroines, swoony heroes, life, love, friendship, and all the angst. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family and friends in small-town North Carolina, Kate can most likely be found nose deep in her Kindle. She stays up too late, swears too much, and loves too hard.

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About The Meet Cute Book Club Series

Escape with the Meet Cute Book Club where meet-cutes don't only happen between the pages of romance novels and members find their own happily ever afters. Eight single women bound by their love of books take a monthly break from real life to lose themselves in the chapters of romantic fiction. From friends to lovers to fake relationships and more, each story features a brand new couple and their journey to find love from an amazing lineup of authors including Louise Lennox, Tracy Broemmer, A.M. Williams, Mel Walker, RJ Gray, Rebecca Wilder, Julie Archer, and Kate Stacy. These eight standalone romances are packed with meet-cutes, heat, and of course a happily ever after!

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Book Blitz ~ Magic and Mayhem - Arcane Souls World: The Wrong Witch by Annie Anderson


Magic and Mayhem
Annie Anderson
(The Wrong Witch, #2)
Publication date: September 27th 2022
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

All it took was one bite.

A week ago, I was the perpetual screw up of the Bannister coven and a probationary agent for the Arcane Bureau of Investigation. Somehow, I’ve managed to get myself mated to an Acosta Alpha, pissed off my family, and gotten on the radar of a dark Fae.

As much as I’d like to bury my head in the sand, I have a badge to secure—and with a new case on my proverbial desk—a job to do. Because I’m not the first witch that the Fae has tried to steal, but I will definitely be the last.

Just as soon as I get this curse under control…

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A knock came at the bathroom door. “Wren, honey? You all right?”

I whipped that door open so fast an avalanche of steam billowed out of the bathroom to smack Fiona in the face. I hadn’t seen her since Serreno hauled me to Nico’s cabin for questioning. She appeared far better than the last time I’d seen her, all healed up by the med clinic and in fresh clothes.

Wrapping her in a hug, I was glad I’d managed to get dressed before her knock. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“And let you take that fool test by yourself? Please.”

Shoving her away, I gripped her shoulders with a little too much gusto. “What? No. Please don’t tell me Serreno is making you test out, too.”

Fiona frowned before giving me a winning smile. “If I want the charges against Girard to stick and a real investigation to be had into this place, then the both of us need to be agents, Wren. It just makes sense for us to do it now. Plus, it’ll be a snap.” She waved a hand as if it was so simple as she plopped onto the edge of the couch. “Hannah told me you blew them out of the water during your practical.”

But Fiona was forgetting a particularly important facet of that event—not that she was around for it, but whatever. Namely, the null ward I wore around my neck like my own personal good luck charm. It kept me from fucking up—kept everyone safe.

And to save us, I’d tossed it away. To save her.

How was Nico going to get me a new one? He didn’t have time to trek down to Savannah and back. How was I going to pass this damn thing? Luck and blind optimism? I hadn’t been lucky a day in my life.

“What about when Nico saved you?” Fiona replied to the thoughts I must have said aloud. “That seems pretty lucky to me. Of all the people to pull you from the burning wreckage of Azalea Apothecary, you got the super-hot shifter dreamboat with the giant dick and an unrelenting urge to keep you safe. If that ain’t luck, I don’t know what is.”

“Whoa, who told you he had a giant dick?” Yes, that was what I latched onto, and yes, that sentence actually came out of my mouth.

Fi speared me with a sharp glare. “No one had to tell me that boy is packing a damn cannon in those pants. He just walks like he’s got a monster in there. Like I told you before, I’ve got eyes, don’t I?”

She wasn’t wrong.

Author Bio:

Annie Anderson is a military wife and United States Air Force veteran. Originally from Dallas, Texas, she is a southern girl at heart, but has lived all over the US and abroad. As soon as the military stops moving her family around, she'll settle on a state, but for now she enjoys being a nomad with her husband, two daughters, an old man of a dog, and a young pup that makes life... interesting.

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Book Blitz ~ Call To A Nightmare - A Dr. Gabriel and Miss Bishop Thriller by Jim Lester



Mystery, Thriller

Published Date: August, 2022


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It was the Roaring Twenties, the Jazz Age, the era of Model T Fords, bootleggers and G-men. Spiritualism was all the rage. Everyone wanted to talk to the dead. Except Dr. Alex Gabriel, who thought talking to the dead was ridiculous. Until he met Savannah Bishop, the country's most unique medium. Using Savannah's contacts with the World Beyond, Dr. Gabriel and Miss Bishop set out to solve a series of brutal murders that range from the glitz of Hollywood to the backwoods of Arkansas and eventually to the bohemian Left Bank of Paris and finally to pre-Nazi Berlin.

About the Author

Jim Lester holds a PhD in history an dis the author of the historical novel, The Blind Boxer and a successful mystery novel called Deadline: New York about the early years of the paperback book industry. He is also the author of four young adult novels and a non-fiction book entitled Hoop Crazy: College Basketball in the 1950s.


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