Saturday, September 24, 2022

Book Blitz ~ A Lady Never Surrenders - The Sisterhood of Scandal by Bronwen Evans


A Lady Never Surrenders
Bronwen Evans
(Sisterhood of Scandal, #1)
Publication date: September 22nd 2022
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance

From USA Today Bestselling Author, Bronwen Evans comes her new Sisterhood of Scandal series. A group of ladies whose friendship is based on ensuring they can take on the world dominated by their men folk. No male relative is going to choose their destinies.

Shhh. Blue Stocking Miss Tiffany Deveraux has a secret. The poor orphan is not so poor. But she does not want that information to become common knowledge. Being a plain Jane, any hint of money would just bring fortune hunters to her door. No. In society’s eyes she will remain the poor orphaned ward of the Earl of Marlowe. Only then will she ensure the man who eventually professes his love for her is genuine.

Lord Slade Ware, the Marquess of Wolfarth also has a secret. He’s a renowned investment guru with everything he touches turning to gold. Or is he? Society may think so, but mostly his investments have been blind luck, and he’s pretty sure his luck is about to run out. Help comes in the form of his best friend’s ward. He’s learned Miss Tiffany Deveraux’s secret. She’s an investment guru who has accumulated a considerable sum. Marriage would seem a sensible option with so many dependents relying on him. But what’s a man to do when the one thing a woman wants isn’t his looks, title or money—it’s his heart and Wolfarth’s heart is shattered beyond repair.

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PLUS! Grab your copy the FREE short story, A Lady Never Concedes, a prequel to A Lady Never Surrenders!


It was about time the men in their lives realized that the Sisterhood was a force to be reckoned with. Some ladies wanted more in life than to flutter their fans and bat their eyelashes to attract a man.

She already had a wager with Wolf. Could she out-earn him on one investment in a month? She’d wager her life on the fact that she could make more money in twelve months than he could. But could she make more than all of them combined? Even the brilliant Fane?

“They will be hard to beat. But even if we lose, won’t they be impressed at what we did achieve and that we fooled them?”

“Impressed? Maybe. Angry and humiliated, definitely,” Claire said.

“Well, that means I’m in,” said Ivy.

One by one the eight Sisterhood members agreed to the plan.

“I’m doing the investing,” Tiffany said, “so you ladies can think up the pranks. Remember, this is not only about the pranks. You have to learn what is going on in your brothers’ investments as well as anyone else’s. Most men don’t remember to hold their tongues around women. We are brainless idiots who cannot possibly understand what they are talking about.”

Before anyone could answer, a loud masculine voice came from the entrance hall. Tiffany looked across at Claire, who frowned and began to rise just as the door flew open.

A man stepped into the room, and Tiffany’s heart did that annoying little flip it always did whenever she clapped eyes on Wolf.

His deep burgundy jacket fitted him like a new glove and showed off his broad shoulders to perfection. He was dressed for riding and his Hessians somehow emphasized his powerful thighs.

She noted every inch of him, and her skin prickled with heat as she realized his gaze was taking in every inch of her.

“I see Lady Claire has rallied her troops once more. What on earth are you ladies discussing with such vigor? The latest French fashions perhaps?” His gaze swept across the group.. “A few new dresses might not go amiss.”

As usual in Wolf’s presence, Tiffany’s tongue would not function and she could not think of a scathing retort.

Valora did it for her. “We were discussing what we would wear to Mrs. Buchanan’s soiree. Perhaps a different wardrobe would make us blend in better.”

For one fleeting moment, the big bad wolf’s face showed fear. “Very funny, Lady Valora. Vale has forbidden you from attending. I’m sure once I reveal this ridiculous plan to Marlowe, he’ll do the same to you two,” he said, pointing at Tiffany and Claire.

“Then run along and tattle to Marlowe. Don’t let the door hit your conceited arse on the way out,” his sister Ashleigh said.

His face looked like thunder. “You and Ivy are forbidden to attend.” When they simply looked at him with angelic faces, Wolf added, “I’m warning you.”

At that ridiculous edict the eight women burst into giggles, and Wolf turned his angry gaze on Tiffany. “I’m sure Miss Tiffany won’t want to attend. She has more sense. In fact, I’ve come to request her company for a carriage ride tomorrow afternoon.”

The giggling stopped and all eyes swung her way. Tiffany’s blood boiled in her veins. The cheek of the man. She’d said a slow courtship. This wasn’t slow. How to answer?

“If the weather is fine, the outing would be acceptable. I’ll bring Milly, our lady’s maid.”

“Perfect. If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I shall find Marlowe and leave you to your, er…leave you.”

Author Bio:

Waving from Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.

USA Today bestselling author, Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She writes both historical and contemporary sexy romances for the modern woman who likes intelligent, spirited heroines, and compassionate alpha heroes. Evans is a three-time winner of the RomCon Readers’ Crown and has been nominated for an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award. She lives in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand with her dogs Brandy and Duke.

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