Fast Love by Zoe Adams
Genre: Billionaire Romance, Western Romance
Release: December 8, 2015
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Book Blitz: May 23, 2016

Indiana Bernstein lives life in the fast lane. She burns through school in a hurry to grow up and become the woman dating the man of her dreams.
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Indiana couldn’t believe he noticed her. It made her dizzy just to be next to this symbol of manliness. Or maybe it was the sweet aroma of the cigar. There could be any reason for her dizziness.
Luckily Richard stopped talking for a moment. He puffed and twisted a cigar. Smoke twirled pleasantly in the night breeze. “Your smile was all I could see in my rearview mirror today. I wish I always had a smiling face ahead of me like that. But it’s your birthday and your night of wishes, isn’t it? All right, well, here is your birthday present from me. I’ll let you drive my car around the block.”
He pulled keys from his pocket and held them up. Nothing ever shone so brightly for Indiana. They were worn out but still glimmered in the moonlight. She couldn’t move or place trust in the promise. Richard put the keys in her hand. He backed away with worlds of charm.
“Come on,” he said.
Indiana’s legs were willed to move. Encouragement from him was rare but always well placed. She got in the car. Richard saw to her comfort with the steering wheel and moved the seat forward until her feet were within proper proximity of the pedals.
He crouched down on his heels and eyed her gravely. “Now this car’s an automatic, so you only have two pedals. Use the same foot for gas as you do for the brakes.”
Indy had already figured all of this out and rolled her eyes. Richard shut the driver’s door with a chuckle. She watched him walk around the hood of the car. He stood out like the finest thing. The grey smoke around him added charm. The black night made everything else drop away. The passenger door creaked when it opened.
“I’ll have to remember to grease this hinge. It might ruin some poor girl’s eardrums. Whew, it’s a good thing I found that out.” Richard looked at her like he had just avoided the biggest catastrophe.
Indiana reminded herself of her youth, but she silently vowed not to act uneducated. She waited for his comfort to be assured.
He rolled down the window and hung the cigar outside of the car. He looked at her expectantly. “Do I have to show you how to drive?” Indiana shook her head and quit staring at the impressive man beside her.
The ignition turned easily. Indiana’s eyes rose appreciatively to the windshield. She had been obsessing about cars her whole racing bred life. The lights were clicked on, and she smoothly reversed into the night. The gas pedal moved slowly and the car responded. She sat back comfortably once she reached a steady speed.
“If I were a judge I would say this isn’t your first time driving a car.” The glowing ember of cigar reflected in the glass, and more whispers of smoke billowed into the air.
“It’s easy,” Indiana said defiantly. “I want to drive like you were driving.” Indiana let her eyes stray from the road for emphasis.
“All right.” He threw the cigar out the window and rubbed his hands together excitedly. “Go ahead and stop the car. Now keep your foot on the brake while you accelerate. When you see the revolutions of the motor get up to three thousand, let off the brakes. You know which one is the RPM gauge, right?”
Indiana nodded excitedly.
“Okay, good.” Richard could command any situation. But his sharp attention to detail, while keeping a relaxed stature, had Indiana ready to please. “Now remember you are guiding the car. Keep your hands loose on the wheel, then it’ll be easier to keep the car straight.”
Indiana pushed her foot down on the gas. The thought of letting go of restraints got her excited. She did what he told her to do. The car popped into sudden speed. A laugh escaped her body. Indiana didn’t know if she had ever had so much fun.
“All right, that’s good, but you don’t need to go over fifty miles an hour.” Indiana slowed to the next stop along the slightly inhabited road.

About the Author:
Zoe Adams currently resides in Hawaii. She was born to a big family in the center of North America. A family store gave a lot of human interaction and work experience from a very young age.
Her mother gave a love for books, paper, pens, and any other creative mediums. Her father instilled work ethic for making, repairing, or polishing things until they shine. There was a lot of competition in the large family and Zoe learned how to tell a good story with few words.
When not writing she manages vacation rentals in world renowned Lanikai Beach. She can be found on the beach or kayaking with her husband and partner of thirteen years. They have no children but are perfectly content to spoil a dog.
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