Monday, May 30, 2016

Release Blitz ~ Accidentally Compromising the Duke - Wedded by Scandal Series by Stacy Reid


About the Book

AccidentallyCompromisingtheDuke_500X750Title: Accidentally Compromising the Duke
Author: Stacy Reid
Genre: Historical Romance
England, 1817. Miss Adeline Hays is out of options. Determined to escape marriage to a repugnant earl, Adeline plans to deliberately allow herself to be caught in a compromising position at a house party with the much kinder man she’d hoped to marry. Instead, Adeline accidentally enters the wrong chamber and tumbles into the bed of the mad duke.
Edmond Rochester, the duke of Wolverton, is seeking a wife to care for his two daughters. A young lady of sensibilities, accomplishment, and most importantly, one who he is not attracted to—a complete opposite of the bewitching beauty who traps him into marriage. But despite the lust he feels for his new duchess, Edmond is resolved to never allow them intimacy, refusing to ever again suffer the tormenting loss of a loved one.

Author Bio

Stacy Reid Profile PictureI am an avid reader of novels with a deep passion for writing. From an early age, I started writing short stories for pleasure. I knew the dozens of romance novels I devoured were onto something when I met my husband at fifteen and fell in love after a week!
Life got in the way and I stopped writing for years. Then at the age of twenty-six with a degree in Human Resource Management I decided to focus on my passion—writing. I especially love romance and adore writing sensually hot paranormal fantasy, historical and contemporary stories.
I live a lot in the worlds I create and I actively speak to my characters (out loud). I have a warrior way “never give up on my dream.” When I am not writing, I spend a copious amount of time drooling over Rick Grimes from Walking Dead, watching Japanese Anime and playing video games with my love—Dusean Nelson.
Some Random Things About Me

  1. I cannot swim, but I can float thanks to Melissa “Misa” Bourbon Ramirezand Gwen Hayes
  2. As a child I was so skinny my nickname was “Bag of bones”
  3. I love ice cream and I adore chocolate, but I hate chocolate ice cream
  4. I skipped many classes during high school to devour novels at the local library
  5. I love dogs and don’t trust cats . I’m told I was mauled by a cat when I was one year old, go figure
  6. I hate washing the dishes. If you were to torture me nail pulling would not work, but washing dishes will
  7. I have worn my hair boy-cut short seven times in my life
  8. I love when it rains
  9. I lived in a house for six years without doors and windows
  10. My absolute favourite TV series is AMC’s The Walking Dead



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