Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cover Reveal ~ Another Time by K. D. Sarks

Title: Another Time
Author: K.D. Sarks
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 27

Cover Design: SP Cover Design

There are moments in life you remember forever.
This is one of them.
He is one of them.
There are girls in your life you never forget.
She is one of them.
Does love always prevail or does it become just a memory in another time?

Born and raised in the capitol of Nevada, K.D. Sarks lives with her husband, Ryan, who also happens to be her high school sweetheart. Together they have two amazing and rambunctious little ones keeping her on her toes throughout the day while she tries to write and corral them! Her guilty pleasure is watching trash reality TV and indulging in amazing reads while sipping hot tea.

Enter to win 1 of 3 ARCs of Another Time!

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