Monday, March 23, 2020

Book Blitz ~ Master for Life by Amanda Holly

Master for Life
Amanda Holly
Publication date: March 19th 2020
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
Five years ago, Anna fled. Now she’s back, and this time Declan isn’t letting her go.
After she’s created a new identity for herself as bestselling author, Star Black, Anna’s back in South Africa to say goodbye to her past for good. Yet soon after her arrival, she becomes the target of hired assassins once more, and realises nothing is as it seems.
The moment Anna comes face to face with Declan, the lover she left behind, she’s filled with regret. Had she been right to deceive him all those years ago?
With danger lurking all around them, Declan is once again compelled to step into the role of Anna’s protector. While keeping her safe, he brings her body back to life, and shows her a world she’s only ever fantasized about. They both know there’s no expiry date on their chemistry, but can the emotional distance separating them be burned away between the sheets?
This time, Declan and Anna stand to lose so much more as they race against time to solve the mystery of her parents’ deaths.
Amanda Holly takes you on a rollercoaster ride in this romantic suspense novel.
The warm tone of her voice, despite the accent, reminded him of Anna. He looked at Anna’s grave. The woman’s delicate hand rested on top of the headstone. His fingers itched to feel her honey coloured skin. This stranger rekindled the intense pain he’d felt when he’d lost Anna. When he’d been told about the fatal car crash, all his burgeoning dreams of a future with her had been blown to smithereens, just like the wreck she’d died in.
He turned his mind back to the woman in front of him. It was the whole package that messed with his mind. Her voice, her body, and her posture. It made him feel the empty ache in the muscle that didn’t feel like a heart anymore. It brought up memories of things he’d wanted, things he’d buried. Things too painful, and best left in the past.
The sun disappeared behind the clouds, bringing with it a cool early morning breeze that swept through the cemetery. Shaking his head to free his mind, he turned back to the hidden face.
“I’m sorry, I’m being rude asking you all these questions without introducing myself. My name is Declan Kyriakou.” He reached out his hand to take hers. “And you are?”
“S-Star. Star Black.”
The moment his fingers curled around hers, his body sizzled to full sexual awareness. Each vertebra in his spine straightened into place, forcing his pelvis forward as her fingers trembled in his hold. He clenched his teeth. It couldn’t be real what he was feeling, yet the doubts he’d had before now hammered furiously within his head and heart.
“Star Black? Forgive me, but I was expecting you to have more of an Indian name.” He indicated towards her sari.
Her pulse fluttered against his fingers, which still held her hand within his grasp.
“Star. You remind me so much of Anna … Anusha.” He nodded to the grave they hovered over. “Did your parents know her too?”
She read the name engraved on the headstone out loud, “Anusha O’Dwyer?”
Was that an increased pulse rate he detected?
“No.” She pulled her hand from his clinging grip, leaving him feeling bereft.
He realised he’d been acting like a randy teenage boy as soon as she shook her hand.
She folded her arms across her chest, and with her head bent towards the sunflowers she asked, “Did you bring those?”
He nodded.
“Were you close?”
He stilled. They’d been so much more than close. Inseparable. Wrapped around each other like conjoined twins for the few months they had together. Except for one moment when she’d needed him most.

Author Bio:
I can usually be found in my home office – either writing, reading or burrowing down several rabbit holes on the internet under the guise of doing research!
The idea of writing a book took seed during my twenties, but between getting married, emigrating and raising children, the closest I got to writing was joining book clubs and attending writing courses. Finally, in my forties, I co-founded the Romance writers of South Africa (ROSA) with Romy Sommer and that’s where the dream to write has finally become a reality.
I write sizzling romantic suspense novels, and love delving into worlds I know nothing about … hence the research!
When not glued to my Kindle, reading the latest steamy novel, I spend my time catching up with dear friends, going to the movies and planning the next building project at home. My poor husband!
Born and bred in Holland to a Dutch father and an English mother, I have lived in three different continents. I’m currently living in sunny South Africa with my ever-patient husband and two grown children who I hope will stick around the house just a little bit longer!



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