Thursday, March 19, 2020

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Fay's Wish by Dee Carver

Fay's Wish 
by Dee Carver 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Shayla, Princess of the Fay, must begin the journey to discover her true power by leaving the island. If she's successful, she will become queen. Her plight won't be an easy one, for there are those who would use Shayla as a means to solidify their own position of power. 

Kyle, Shayla's guide in the human world, is destined to bring hope to the Fay even though his own future seems bleak. With Kyle by her side, miracles can happen, offering the promise of the return of the magic. 

Once that happens, nothing is impossible. 

My name is Dee, I am a mother of 5 amazing children and grandmother of 4 beautiful babies. I began my writing career in 2004 because of a dream about a dress. 

My First Novel, La Roe’s was published in 2005 and nominated for the Golden Rose Awards the following year. It has been re-released and is available on Amazon and multiple platforms via Books2Read

My Second Novel, Fay’s Wish was published in 2006 and re-released December 2019 and is available at Amazon and multiple platforms via Books2Read

Both La Roe's and Fay's Wish would not have been re-released except for the amazing editing help from Cindy, Personalized Marketing Inc manager. 

My 3rd Novel Chocolate Seduction of the Cursed Seduction Series is currently being revised for future publication. 

I have also Ghost Written 2 additional books, and written hundreds of articles. 

I enjoy spending time with my children, being a grandmother, sitting down to a good book, and learning more about the career that has changed my life. I have been working online since 2005, beginning my journey as an Author, then a Reviewer, Freelance Publicist, and then found a love for websites, coding, most recently WordPress. While here be sure to check out some of the Videos made by me. Take a look at some the Links I have Collected. 

I am also the Owner and CEO of Personalized Marketing Inc. 

If you are looking for Personalized Marketing Inc click here

Education: University of Phoenix 

2017 – B.S.A.I.T. with Advanced Software Development Certification 

2020 – M.B.A. with a Concentration in Marketing Certificate 

eBook Copy of Fay's Wish & La Roe's Curse 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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